The exhibition of italian manufacture

The exhibition of italian manufacture

9th – 11th July 2019 at FIERA DI MILANO
in partnership with Milano Unica ORIGIN PASSION AND BELIEFS.

An exhibition of excellence that gives small and medium-sized Italian manufacturing companies the chance to meet international fashion brands in order to develop new business relationships.
The event ‘Origin, passion and beliefs’ will take place before the Fair dedicated to the Italian fashion manufacturing and accessory sectors. This is the fourth consecutive year that the ‘Origin’ experience is organized. Four exhibitors were selected to act as ambassadors for ORIGIN FIRST and to show the Made in Italy proposals and trends of manufacturing excellence.

ORIGIN PASSION AND BELIEFS aims at bringing together the skills of the Italian production chain with the decision makers, product, production and style office managers belonging to luxury international fashion brands.

The event, divided into 4 thematic areas – STONE, TECHNOLOGY, LEATHER and TEXTILE – is the first platform of high level integrated offer of Made in Italy excellence, at the service of the fashion supply chain. An important chance offered to the Italian manufacturing companies specialized in sub-contracting, high quality services and to the overall fashion sector.

Roberta Neri will wait for you at stand OPB.201 (block 16)
Here is the link of the fair map.